I am sure while listening to the NHRA announcers or wandering around the pits at an NHRA event you have heard terms that have you scratching your head. Well here are the terms and their meanings to help you better understand.
Backpedal - When a driver lets off the throttle to regain traction or to avoid or stop tire shake.
Breakout - Used only in handicap racing. Refers to a vehicle running quicker then the racer has predicted, or "dialed."
The racer who breaks out loses unless his or her opponent breaks out by more or commits a more serious foul,
such as leaving too soon (See "Foul Start") or crossing the centerline.
Bump - The bottom spot in the field, usually the number 16 qualifying position. Also called the "Bubble"
Bumped - When a racer is moved from a higher qualifying position to a lower one after another competitor improves.
Burnout - Spinning the tires in water before a run to heat and clean them and put rubber on the track for better traction.
Christmas Tree - Also called the Tree, the electronic starting device between the lanes on the starting line.
Chute - Short for parachute, this device helps slow the car at the end of a run.
Deep Stage - To roll a few inches further into the stage beam, indicated by the pre-staged lights on the Christmas Tree turning off.
In that position, a racer is closer to the finish line and also closer to a foul start (red-light)
Dial-Under - Used in Super Stock and Stock, when a driver selects, or dials, an elapsed time quicker than the national index.
Drivers select a dial-under, or e.t., that they think their car will run based on previous performance.
Digger - Another word for Dragster.
DNQ - Did not qualify.
Dropped Cylinder or Hole Out - When a spark plug fails to ignite, decreasing total power output by the engine. A dropped
cylinder is often distinguishable by raw fuel spewing from an exhaust header.
Elapsed Time (E.T.) - The time it takes a vehicle to travel from the starting line to the finish line.
Eliminations - The portion of an event that determines a race winner, usually Sunday. Vehicles are raced two at a time ( Exception 4Wide
Nationals), resulting in one winner and one loser. Winners continue to race in a tournament-style competition
until only one remains.
Flopper - Another word for Funny Car.
Foul Start - Also known as a Red-Light. When a vehicle leaves the starting line before the green light, indicated by the red light on the tree.
When a foul start occurs in eliminations, the racer is eliminated from further competition at the event
(unless his or her opponent commits a worse infraction). A Red_Light in qualifying has no impact on the racers attempt:
his or her time still counts toward qualifying at the event.
Full Tree - Used in Comp, Super Stock, Stock, Top Dragster, and Top Sportsman for which a handicap starting system equalizes competition.
The tree amber lights flash consecutively five-tenths of a second apart, followed five-tenths later by the green light.
Groove - Path of traction laid down by other vehicles that have gone down the racetrack, for example "In the Groove."
Handicap - The head start given to the slower car in a race featuring two vehicles of varying performance potentials.
Used in Comp, Super Stock, Stock, Top Dragster, and Top Sportsman.
Hide - Tire; for example, " He was Smoking the Hides."
Holeshot Win - When a racer with an e.t. slower than that of his or her opponent wins an elimination round because he or she had a
better reaction time, or left the starting line first.
Index - An e.t. assigned by the NHRA as a predictor of performance for vehicles in that class. Indexes allow various classes
of cars in the same eliminator to race competitively.
Interval Timers - Elapsed time clocks at 60, 330, 660 and 1000 feet that record the e.t. from the starting line to those intervals.
Loose - When a car gets out of the groove, for example, "he got loose at about 60 feet."
Loud Pedal - Gas Pedal or Throttle.
Methanol - Pure Methyl alcohol produced by synthesis; used in some Top Alcohol Dragsters and Top Alcohol Funny Cars.
Nitromethane - Known as "Nitro," CH3NO2 is the result of a chemical reaction between nitric acid and propane. Primary fuel
for Top Fuel Dragster, Funny Cars, and injected nitro dragsters in Top Alcohol Dragster.
Oildown - When a race car deposits oil from the engine onto the racing surface, causing a delay.
On the Trailer - Where a race car is put after losing or not qualifying; for example, "He was on the trailer after round one."
Pre-Staged - When a racer is approximately 7 inches behind the starting line and the top half of the circle of small blue lights
atop his or her side of the Christmas Tree is illuminated.
Pro Tree - Used in Top Fuel, Funny Car, Pro Stock, Pro Stock Motorcycles, Top Alcohol Dragster/Funny Car, Super Comp, Super Gas,
Super Street, and Pro Mod, all of which feature heads-up (no handicap) competition. The three large amber lights
flash simultaneously, followed four-tenths of a second later by the green light.
Rail - Another word for dragster.
Reaction Time - The time it takes for the vehicles front tires to clear the staging beam after the green light comes on; measured in
fractions of a second. A perfect reaction time is .000.
Red Light - See Foul-Start.
Safety Safari - A team of men and women responsible for transporting racing equipment from race to race, preparing and maintaining
the racing surface, and providing support in an emergency. The NHRA Safety Safari is presented by the AAA.
Sand Trap - Located beyond the shutdown area; used to help stop errant race cars.
Shoe - Driver
Shutdown Area - Area past the finish line where race vehicles come to a stop and racers are picked up by their own crew.
Sixty-Foot Time - The time it takes a vehicle to cover the first 60 feet of the racetrack. It is the most accurate measure
of the launch from the starting line and is the interval most critical to a quick e.t.
Slick - Racing tire that does not have tread.
Smoked the Tires - When a car losses traction; also "blew the tires off" or "hazed the tires."
Speed Trap - The final 66 feet to the finish line where speed is calculated.
Staged - When the front wheel or wheels of the vehicle are on the starting line. Once the racer is staged, the calibrated
countdown of the amber lights leading to the green light may begin anytime.
Stripe - Slang term for finish line.
The Wally - Official NHRA Trophy.
Time Slip - Given to the racer or crew after a run, it lists the reaction time, interval times, elapsed time, and speed.
T-Mac - Terry McMillen
Tire Shake - A severe vibration that usually occurs at the beginning of a run and is the result of losing traction.
Treed - A racers whose reaction time is significantly slower then an opponent's is said to have been Treed.
Wally Parks - NHRA founder 91913-2007), for whom the Wally is named.